1. Pete Carroll shocking the 'SC Nation and leaving USC for Seattle.
I was sitting at the bar in North Scottsdale's Sapporro's, and SC broke the news that it was rumored Pete was jumping shift. Surely you are jesting me ESPN. I don't want to believe this shit. Note to any guy who tries to hit on me- if my eyes are glued to ESPN, and I'm not a happy camper- don't bother.
2. The NCCA screwing over USC.
I won't even go there. The heading says it all. Keep this in mind though "lack of institutional control"
3. The NCAA NOT screwing over Ohio State
I love my Ohio State friends. I really do, but this was not cool. How can USC get sanctioned, and be told they had "lack of institutional control" and OSU still gets penalized, but players who are NOT ELIGIBLE get to play in a bowl game?? A bowl game OSU would have lost if those players were not allowed to play.
4. Scam Newton
Auburn AD says Cecil Newton would not be at game. Cecil Newton was on field AFTER the game. Cecil did not get tickets to the game from Auburn. But who did Cecil get field passes from?
5. The Cardinals Cutting Matt Leinart
Sure Matt was a little outspoken, and he had his off-field moments, but give the guy a chance. You let him go, for DA and Max Hall? You play a FOURTH STRING QB at the end of the season???? Come on Arizona. Really?
6. The Arizona Cardinals Season
The curse of the quarterback? I'm not sure what happened here, but I was not born a Cardinals fan. Actually, after Biakabutuka stopped playing in the NFL, I didn't even HAVE an NFL team. The Cardinals drafted ML right after I found out I was moving to AZ. After 9 years in ATL, I couldn't stand the Falcons, so I was happy to live in a state where I could fully support my football team. The first season was brutal, I still cheered them on. I'm rambling. I'll shut up. Point is- this season was disappointing. The Cardinals need to keep Fitzgerald and get an amazeballs QB. No more repeats of this season.
7. USC losing 2 games by less than two points each...back-to-back
Washington. Stanford. The same way. Seriously? It sucked.
8. Brett Favre
He is on here purely because he gives me the heebie jeebies.
9. The NCAA & NFL making up rules as they go
It is kind of mentioned about, but the rules are the rules. You can't let one team (or player) get away with something and then penalize another team (or player) for the same thing. Don't we learn the fairness thing in Kindergarten???
10. The Bowl Boycott
Don't get me wrong. I am BEYOND happy I stuck by USCPSYCHO and a few others to take a stance. But, I wish it didn't happen. Bowl season is supposed to be my HAPPY TIME of year. Hi- football on TV almost EVERY DAY. However, because of many things listed above, I couldn't go through with watching. Plus, it isn't really bowl season unless USC is on the field.