Sep 26, 2008

who was that and what did they do with the Trojans?

Words cannot describe how freaked out and disgusted I was tonight.

I made a few new friends...impressed some USC alum on my vast knowledge of college football, but I did not see this coming.

WEll maybe I did after the super shitty 1st half. I mean come on. They were playing like they had no life in them. It was if getting 1st downs was a foreign concept.

I still have faith in them, and there is slight slight hope for Miami, but I have a slight inkling we will be back in Pasadena at the Rose Bowl...

I still love my boys. I just think if they played the 1st half like they played the 2nd half, we woulda been a lot better off.

This weekend should be interesting. I am actually really excited about seeing the outcome of UGA/Bama.

Could that be? Me. Excited for a UGA game tow weekends in a row? What is this world coming to.

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