Aug 23, 2009

Distraction for the Masses

Completely unverifiable, only my professional opinion.....something to consider.
Back in the day, needing to distract the Romans from the challenges of their daily lives....the ruling class pitted the Christians against the Lions in the Coliseum. After a day spent in celebration, drink, and cheer, the crowd, (its thirst for blood satisfied) went home ready to face the coming week. Over the following few days, there was much discussion about the event, leading to speculation of what was to come the following week. In this manner, simple folks created alternate dramas that distracted them from the minutiae of their humble existence.

Its Sunday, 2009 and all across our great nation, fans it Patriots against Lions, Cowboys against Redskins, Titans against Giants, you catch the drift here. A very select, exclusive group of owners (so select its easier to get into Congress or the Senate) provide the modern day distraction at unimaginable profit. The sport we grew up playing, is transformed into a multi billion dollar entertainment industry, so tightly controlled, performers/players get fined if their shirt is untucked, socks aren't pulled up or they display the wrong logo on their shoes.
The actors are interchangeable (how many retread coaches? same refs every year?)

Welcome to the NFL.
Help me understand: Next time someone complains what the performers get paid, consider this, would an owner pay a performer $12,000,000 per year if that performer did not enhance PROFITABILITY? Of course not. It is and always has been about making money and putting the best product in the field to ensure the masses buy/spend/ get caught up in the drama. Heroes and villains are created for you to follow (thank you ESPN) and get emotionally involved with. The public persona of our "favorites" in most cases have nothing to do with the real person wearing a jersey and going to work behind a mask. The players are interchangeable parts to a huge business enterprise, no different than the machinery a farmer needs to work the soil that produces a profit when sold. A look behind the finely polished veneer, created by the mega marketing mavens at the NFL, reveals players are routinely treated as commodities. Discarded when no longer of use. Treated like pieces of meat. Built up when they contribute to a win and instantly torn down when they lose.
I say bravo to to the huge salaries and signing bonuses. Grab as much as the owners are prepared to give, Because they will not give you a penny if they are not making four !
Would any of you have an issue with getting paid fair market at work?
No, I didn't think so.

1 comment:

Constitutional Patriot 333 said...

Absolutely spot on. Thanks for this article! It is certainly a sad, sad state this country is in when the citizens' priorities consist of "beer & football" over losing our nation's sovereignty and impending globalism - one world currency, etc.!!!

They just really DON'T WANT to know what's happening... the sheeple prefer to blindly trust the bogus 2-party system then to do any independent research.

Thankfully more and more Americans are becoming aware and involved then ever before and the "revolution" begun will continue until our Constitution is recognized and the Republic restored!

True American patriots still believe in Constitutional Rights, limited government, free markets, an end to the criminal Federal Reserve banking cartel, low taxes and sound monetary policy.

Time to put the "entertainment" aside America before you wake up one day in a Fema Concentration Camp with no food or freedom! America is already a fascist police state... One Nation Under Surveillance - NWO style!