Sep 26, 2008

Tomorrow's Predictions...

OU-TCU: OU, but I wouldn't be shocked by an upset.

UGA-'BAMA: "bama

LSU- Miss State: LSU

Texas-Arkansas: Texas

Wisconsin- UM: Wisconsin


UCLA-Fresno State: FSU

Colorado State- Cal: CSU

UW- Stanford: Stanford

Edit: I left out UF/OLE MISS-----since the game started I will not comment on the game. (9.27.08- 10:16 AM PST)

Please keep in mind that my radar might be very off this week. I am still slightly distraught by the sad sad loss last night.



Anonymous said...

I think you will be wrong on most of your predictions-- mpc

Keeks said...

Thanks for the comment Mr. Clancy. Hope you have a great football Saturday!