Apr 3, 2008

Can we focus on the positive please?

I made a comment earlier this week on a friends blog. Regarding pictures that surfaced on www.thedirty.com.

The comment that I make when ever somebody in the "public eye" gets caught in a bad situation. You might not want to be a role model, but because of the career path you have chosen...you are one. Make smart decisions, don't get "Caught in a pickle."

But the thing is, everyone is so quick to point and say "WTF is he thinking?!"

He gets A LOT of slack for partying and having a kid, a lot more than TB does. So for that blogger on ESPN to say "he can't win a championship." It's not one person who wins a Championship, it's the whole damn team.

When some idiot from the Rams, sacs you and you are out for the season, it is NOT your fault.

So yeah, poor judgment. What 24 year old doesn't make a bad decision or to (I know I have made some decisions at 24..that I wish I hadn't)

So for now (my three readers out there) take some time out from the gossip sites and hot tub pictures and check out the POSITIVE
