Aug 22, 2009

Welcome to Coach Dad's world

The news is dominated by the return of Vick and Favre. Fans are polarized, the media stirs up a frenzy. Talking heads now have "stories" to fill the endless hours of available through the various formats. Satellite radio, cable, you can't avoid the drama unfolding in Philly and Minneapolis. So I'm thinking, what is the difference between news and PR when it comes to the NFL?
While the devastating effects of our economy continue to unfold, we are bombarded daily with the minutea of irrelevant story lines the NFL would have us follow. Really, does it impact your life what happened yesterday in the training camp of your "favorite" team?

Is football the opium for the masses?
How did the Steelers steal the Super Bowl last year?
Does anyone remember how they beat the Seahawks in their previous Super Bowl win?
Do zebras qualify as reptiles?
These and a barrage of other questions will be answered. Stay tuned
Coach Dad

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